Thursday, December 12, 2013

Storm Talon Video log update

Okay I know it has been like six weeks since I last posted. I assure you all I am not dead. It's just that I work in retail and guess what? It's the Christmas season. So time has been  fleeting asset of late. Also making the video log takes time. Also fixing errors in the video log takes time. Those times add up. But I have part 2 complete and loaded now. In this video I talk about lighting up the belly thrusters, building a new flight stand and the base which I had done as a commission from Dragon Forge Design....

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Storm Talon Video log

Okay, so 4 months ago I started brainstorming how to modify the Storm Talon model into something a bit more palpable to my tastes. The current model just makes me think of a 40k version of a Cobra Trouble Bubble from the 80's G.I. Joe cartoon. It was goofy then and it's goofy now. In all honesty the intent of the model, the way it operates in game and what I feel was the intent of the design itself all say to me "Space Marine Apache" so that's what I'm going for. I've been able to put some work into the project, though I'm ham-strung right now...

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

working on stuff

So I have been working on some stuff of late. I seem to be going through a phase of army builder attention deficit disorder as I've been jumping from one project to another to another to another. The first major thing I've completed is... well... cleaning. cleaning up my stock of models One of the big steps I have a bad habit of skipping in my model building process is cleaning up the model itself. As you can see here I've built up a rather...

Thursday, October 17, 2013


So... been working on some stuff lately. Anyone remember my post about 4 months ago about building a better Storm Talon? Well I'm working on it. Slowly right now. First step I'm undertaking is installing colored fiber optics in the cockpit so that it will be illuminated. It's a slow process and annoyingly I have to get more resistors for the LED circuits I will install. So I've ordered them. They'll probably be in next week. As it is standing...

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Wow... back log much?

Okay, so it's been close to a month. Getting ready for that Apoc game really took it out of me, combined with several issues at work it wasn't an easy time leading up to the game itself and I didn't get a chance to rest or recover from it right away either. Enter the Apocalypse! But I've been able catch up at work, rest and recover. And now that I've got the time to do I'm back to talk about the apoc game. So it was a fairly straight forward setup...

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Where are the months going?

Seriously, wasn't it just July? It seems like every time I turn around another 10 days has zipped on by me. Maybe it's because I'm busier now. Between work and everything else those 24 hour chunks of time just seem to be flying on by too fast to grab. But I have been busy on a couple different projects. First up: The Shoa Khan Blood Thirster I am Shoa khan, Conqueror of Worlds! I've glued all the joints so the pose is set. Next I'm going to go...

Tuesday, September 03, 2013

Titan construction continues

So had the day off from work today, and managed to get a notable amount of work done on my Titan. The first time I tried to build this template the biggest problem I encountered was the mounting strength of the waist assembly standing up the weight of the body and keeping the legs attached to the waist assembly itself. The legs tended to tear away from the hips while there was just no easy way to attach the body to the waist. So I needed to make...

Thursday, August 29, 2013

projects, big and... well big

It's so great to have friends to use as cheap labor. What cheap labor have I been using my friends for? Titan construction of course! Bag-O-Titans! Contained with in these bags are the cut out pieces for 2 titans based on the Paperhammer template floating around the internet. All in all it took the two of us about 8 hours or so to cut out all the parts. Next in construction. Basically each of us is going to construct 1 Warhound titan as we see...

Monday, August 26, 2013

update on the Squigoth

So I haven't been able to get a lot of work done on the Squiggoth recently for a variety of reasons. First and foremost has been time. I just haven't had much of it lately. Second reason is... well there just isn't a lot I can get done on it right now. I cut off the heads of the two Dino toys to find that they are basically sold latex forms stuffed with... well pillow stuffing. Needless to say, this does not make for a particularly strong support...

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Updates and various projects

So life has been life of late. Work and school have been mounting of late and it takes a toll on the time tables. So there's several things to talk about in this post. First big thing: I will be hosting an Apocalypse game September 28th at the Game Vault in Fredericksburg Virginia. So if you're going to be in the area and want to get in on the action drop me a line with you email address in it and I'll keep you informed of details and arrangements. Next...

Tuesday, August 06, 2013

Iron Clad Dreadnought

So I'm building a new Iron Clad dreadnought for my army. But I've already got one of the GW Iron Clads in my army and I like variety. I've ordered a Forge World Iron Clad as well so that's 2 different models. But the army is going to have 3 Iron Clads. So... what can I do? Simple: Convert one! So I've got a Space Marine Ven-dread kit from GW that I'm going to convert into an Iron Clad. The converted Iron Clad so far I took the more angular armored...

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Still here and still working on lighting up the world

Yeah I know, I haven't posted in a while. Life gets that way. I have managed to get a few games of 40k in over the last couple weeks though. Learned some stuff. Saw where I made some mistakes. Made mental notes to try and not make the same mistake again. Also I got a new job at work. So been busy the last several weeks. Finally got some time off and got to work on a new project. Still waiting for the bionic bits I ordered to come in so I can start...

Wednesday, July 03, 2013

Oi Vey!

Hey all, been a little bit since I posted. Been really busy with Work, school and some other stuff. Because of that I haven't been able to really commit any period of time to anything of singular note. I've been squeezing in quick little hour sessions of painting here and there as I've been able. Now I have to remind you that I am a rather slow painter and thus far I've largely only gotten base colors down. That being said... my 2000 point army The...

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Branching out

So I've decided to branch out a little bit and start looking at my Chaos force. The one that's been sitting on my shelf basically ever since I got the Dark Vengence box set. Rather sad really that it's sat there this long. But I'm looking at it again. We'll see where it goes. One unit I want to add is a unit of Thousand Sons, but I don't like the standard GW models for them. And honestly I have intentions of fielding something all together... a...

Saturday, June 15, 2013

New Drop pod for a new list

So I've managed to get a couple games in against a friend and I think I'm getting a better handle on how I'm going to run my Space Marines. I've come up with a 2k list I'm calling the Iron Wind fall. HQ- Space Marine Captain on Bike with Relic Blade, HellFire Rounds, Melta Bombs Troops- 10 man biker unit with a Multi-melta armed Attack Bike 10 man biker unit with a Multi-melta armed Attack Bike 5 Man Scout Squad W/ Telion -4 Sniper Rifles -1...

Friday, June 14, 2013

Some busy work... sort of

Okay, so I got a little bored and started rooting around my bitz boxes. I ran across a pair of Dark Vengeance Terminators and some Forge World Ultramarine terminator shoulder pads. So I thought "Hey why not? I'm a good converter. I bet I can convert these Dark Angeled Termies into Ultramarine Termies.   Here is the first one. I had to carve down the shoulder so it would allow the Forge world shoulder pad to fit on it.    The...

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Update on the Helbrute

So I haven't had the chance to give a proper update on this particular project. My model builder Attention deficit disorder as been kicking in a lot lately as you can see so I've been jumping from project to project almost with out pause for the last week. But the Helbrute is shaping up as you can see. Chaos HelBrute with 2 Power fists  I've begun attaching hoses, made from Green Stuff using Green Stuff Industries Tentacle Maker, to the crown...