Welcome to my projects page! This page will be separated into 2 sections: Project Listings, and Upcoming Projects.
Will either of these sections be an all-encompassing list? Yeah… not so much. That's just the way I am. It's a rare occurrence that I actually put sufficient fore-thought into a project to plan it out, much less to actually be able to talk about what I intend to do before I do it. I’m much more of an "OH! This is gonna be cool!" kind of converter.
The Project Listings section will provide quick links to posts that cover various updates under a general title. Want to see everything I have worked on for my Chaos Army? Check out the Chaos Army project listing. Interested in seeing all of the Gundam models I’ve talked about? Click on the ‘Gundam projects’ listing, etc.
The Upcoming Projects section will be a bit more hap-hazard and is less "This is the project I will be doing on this date" and more "Here is what I intended to do when I bought this particular model”. This is because I have a particularly bad habit of getting the materials for a project, fully intending to work on the project, and not getting around to it for months. By that time, I will have forgotten what my plans for the model originally were. So; Upcoming Projects will serve as both a listing of future efforts for my readers, as well as a means of reminding myself what I was planning to do in the first place.

I try to host 1 Apocalypse game per year. Here is where you can find all the posts I make about the game as well all the posts about prior games.

Pretty much anything I work on that could go into a Chaos Army, be it Daemon of Nurgle or s squad of counts as Thousand Sons.

With so much of Games Workshops Product line given over to Space Marines, it's kind of hard to avoid working on Space Marine stuff.

Sometimes I build something for the Children of Isha. Here's where you can find that sort of thing.

You know, I haven't actually played Grey Knights since 4th edition. Why am I still building stuff for them? Oh right, because they look cool, and I like cool.

Will either of these sections be an all-encompassing list? Yeah… not so much. That's just the way I am. It's a rare occurrence that I actually put sufficient fore-thought into a project to plan it out, much less to actually be able to talk about what I intend to do before I do it. I’m much more of an "OH! This is gonna be cool!" kind of converter.
The Project Listings section will provide quick links to posts that cover various updates under a general title. Want to see everything I have worked on for my Chaos Army? Check out the Chaos Army project listing. Interested in seeing all of the Gundam models I’ve talked about? Click on the ‘Gundam projects’ listing, etc.
The Upcoming Projects section will be a bit more hap-hazard and is less "This is the project I will be doing on this date" and more "Here is what I intended to do when I bought this particular model”. This is because I have a particularly bad habit of getting the materials for a project, fully intending to work on the project, and not getting around to it for months. By that time, I will have forgotten what my plans for the model originally were. So; Upcoming Projects will serve as both a listing of future efforts for my readers, as well as a means of reminding myself what I was planning to do in the first place.
Project Listings

Apocalypse Games
I try to host 1 Apocalypse game per year. Here is where you can find all the posts I make about the game as well all the posts about prior games. 
Chaos Army
Pretty much anything I work on that could go into a Chaos Army, be it Daemon of Nurgle or s squad of counts as Thousand Sons.
Space Marines Army
With so much of Games Workshops Product line given over to Space Marines, it's kind of hard to avoid working on Space Marine stuff.

Sometimes I build something for the Children of Isha. Here's where you can find that sort of thing.
Grey Knights
You know, I haven't actually played Grey Knights since 4th edition. Why am I still building stuff for them? Oh right, because they look cool, and I like cool.
Upcoming Projects

For this project I'm going to be doing more work with decals, as well as building a base and installing electronics. I want to illuminate the model using a combination of fiber optics and LEDs. To facilitate this. I'm going to build a new mount for the model as well as a base for it.

A "space hulk" is a mass of ancient, derelict space ships, asteroids, and other assorted space debris. Within the dark and twisted corridors of these hulks lurk vicious aliens, carnage seeking deamons, and worse. The valiant Space Marines are sent in to destroy the hulk and eliminate the threat its’ denizens would pose, and thus combat is met: the genetically engineered super-solders with the best armor and weapons that can be brought to bare, against the deadly Genestealers, a vicious alien species that seek to slaughter humanity for no other reason than sustenance.
Space Hulk was originally released by Games Workshop in 1989 and laid the basis for Tyranids and Space Marine Terminators as they would later become in the 40k mythos. In 2008, Games Workshop released a new, limited-edition of the game with new rules, game board sections, and redesigned models. In 2014, they re-issued the game and I managed to get my hands on it. This project will primarily cover painting the models, but I am not ruling out the possibility of committing the time and effort to building 3D board sections based on the flat boards from the game itself.

In the Anime series New Mobile Report: Gundam Wing, a new Gundam style mobile suit was introduced about half way through the series. It was known as the Wing Gundam Zero (or as Zero or Wing Zero), and was introduced to make use of the tv trope of the ‘super powered prototype’. The design of the Wing Zero was the direct predecessor to the 5 Gundams that originally appeared in the series, but its’ power and combat ability eclipsed them in all forms. It was used by all six of the main combatant characters and others throughout the later part of the series until it came to the ownership of the character Heero Yuy, who used it to destroy a falling space station and thus prevent a nuclear winter from occurring on earth.
My plans for this project are based around the old version of the 1/100 scale model of the Wing Zero. The newer generation of the model is a Master grade kit, which while having the detail, also has an internal machine frame and for what I intend to do that will actually be a larger detriment to my efforts. For this project I want to convert the normally very pose-able model kit into a self supporting semi-mono pose form and build in a series of LEDs into the model for a variety of illumination. Right now I’m planning on 1 LED in the head for the optics and the camera, and a 2nd in the chest for the search-eye-scanner-array-thingy. I’m considering installing an LED in the hand for the beam saber, but I’m not sure about that yet. When I first thought of this project I wanted to emulate the “Wing Zero destroys Libra” scene from the anime series, where the Wing Zero is being ripped apart as it descends through the atmosphere struggling to get a targeting lock on the falling space station. If I go that route I’ll be locked into configuring the model into the pose which would remove the need to even contemplate the beam saber.
I will need to do some more thinking on this particular project before I can start sinking my teeth into it. Stay tuned for updates.
-Last Updated: October 9, 2014