Thursday, January 10, 2013

288 lego bricks.... 3 quarts of silocone rubber... 2 pounds of synthetic silicone clay... a couple ounces of silicone ethal spray... 3 ceramic tiles...

 288 lego bricks....  3 quarts of silocone rubber... 2 pounds of synthetic silicone clay...  a couple ounces of silicone ethal spray (mold release)... 3 ceramic tiles...
So, what does all of that add up? Well right now it adds up to 3 Lego boxes filled with silicone on top of the dryer. My orders came in and now i can continue work on the Thunderbolt, the body of which you can see on the flight stand on the left side of the image.

The first box (on the left) is the first half of a 2 part mold which will have the back section of the engine, the Ammo Hopper I built a while back, a lascannon, and the Autocannon with the angled mount for the thunderbolt. The second box is a single piece mold and contains the intake for the engine and the engine mount itself. The third box in the first half of the mold for the right wing.

Something I'm going to try to do is adding magnets to the design of this model. Particularly for the missiles. So what I'm going to do is cast the wings up with magnets at the base of the weapon pylons, and then cast up the hellstrike missiles with magnets in the bodies of those. So that way the missiles can be attached to the pylons, and removed once they are fired in a game.


  1. Good luck! I am watching this with interest! Thanks for sharing!

  2. Thanks David. I have to be honest this is the most frustrating part of this project so far. The waiting. It's like "Alright I've got a good pace going I've gotten several large parts of this project done what can I do next?... wait?... well crap."
