Hey all, I had hopped to post some pictures of my blood ravens today but alas that is not going to happen. I took my computers off line last week and took them in to the tech to have them checked out, tuned up, and cleaned out. Well turns out I've got a virus that royally messed some stuff up. So it's proving to be more of an effort to clean it out. Thankfully I'm a paranoid git who has everything backed up three ways from Sunday so if it comes to needing to simply reformat the system and reload everything it will only be inconvenient. Not problematic....
Monday, January 28, 2013
Monday, January 21, 2013
Well some busy work
Posted on 2:12 PM by Michael
So There's not much I can do with the Thunderbolt right now. Not until I get the new supply of Mold Compound which isn't going to happen for a little bit. Need to recover from the medical expenses. But one thing I don't do very well is nothing. I can't not be working on a project of some form. It just doesn't happen for me. It may not always be War hammer related but I am working on something.
So today I decided to take a cue from a friend and...
Sunday, January 20, 2013
The work continues
Posted on 8:08 PM by Michael
So my progress on the Thunderbolt continues, but is somewhat halted. I need to order more molding compound. I didn't like how the first mold of the engine came out so I tried to make a better mold. While I managed to do that, I used more mold compound then I had previously planned on. So I need to order more. Otherwise I can't make the mold for the left wing and lets face it, a one-winged Thunderbolt is going to fly a whole lot worse then a two-winged version. However, I'm doubly delayed on that front because I just had to drop about $700 on a...
Saturday, January 12, 2013
So, what does 2 quarts of Resin get you?
Posted on 11:10 PM by Michael

Well, I finished the molds for various parts. Some of them worked out alright. None of them were a complete success. As you can probably guess, I've been casting up copies of the master parts I've been building the last few weeks. Some of the molds turned out pretty good, some of them not so great. In either case it's been a learning experience and now I'd like to share some of that experience with all of you. What I am saying? Learn from my mistakes....
Thursday, January 10, 2013
288 lego bricks.... 3 quarts of silocone rubber... 2 pounds of synthetic silicone clay... a couple ounces of silicone ethal spray... 3 ceramic tiles...
Posted on 4:05 PM by Michael

So, what does all of that add up? Well right now it adds up to 3 Lego boxes filled with silicone on top of the dryer. My orders came in and now i can continue work on the Thunderbolt, the body of which you can see on the flight stand on the left side of the image.
The first box (on the left) is the first half of a 2 part mold which will have the back section of the engine, the Ammo Hopper I built a while back, a lascannon, and the Autocannon...
Sunday, January 06, 2013
thought I'd provide some information
Posted on 2:17 PM by Michael

As I've previously stated my work on the thunderbolt is more or less on hold until I get more materials. I can still work on small details and I am, but I can't make any major head way on the body until I get the materials to cast the molds of the engine mounts. So I've already ordered them so now it's just a waiting game. In the mean time I thought I'd post some information about the materials I'm using for this project.
The first thing is obviously...
Friday, January 04, 2013
Posted on 11:37 AM by Michael
Well I've hit a little bit of a delay in work on the thunderbolt. Namely I need to wait for materials to come in. Yes, I am out of molding compound and had to order more. Hopefully the order will be in sometime early next week. For whatever reason I can not fathom, I am able to get reactive compounds, that have been used in the production of IEDs from over seas faster then I can order plane old sheet of sheet styrene from with in the continental...
Wednesday, January 02, 2013
New update on Project Thunderhawk... er bolt... thunderhawk bolt
Posted on 9:42 PM by Michael
Okay so I'm not sure what I'm calling this project anymore. I'm still intending to build a Thunderhawk, but the case-study of building a Thunderbolt has really taken on it's own life and become a project onto itself. Regardless I am making progress. One of the key points I was planning on under taking in building the Thunderbolt was scratching one engine and then casting two copies of it for the finished model. Well, I've finished building the original...
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