So I've finished building some extra goodies for my Blood Ravens.
A Land Raider Redeemer/Crusader and Captain on a bike. I've been experimenting with Army lists and I've been gravitating toward bike heavy lists of late. But the thought of 18 bikes backed by 6 Attack bikes running point for a Land Raider... lets just say I like that particular image.
As a means to save some cash, and with the price of a Land Raider kit at $75 I need...
Friday, June 29, 2012
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
A little scratch building
Posted on 8:31 AM by Michael

So, we've all seen 'em:
Thunderhawks! Yup those big aw-inspiring Space Marine Flyers! Well, I'm going to build one! But not right away. I'm still somewhat new to scratch building and have only worked with Plasticard a couple of times so I simply do not feel that my skills are up to the challenge of such an undertaking yet.
So I'm embarking on some smaller scale scratch building projects:
This is an in-progress shot of a scratch...
Saturday, June 23, 2012
Battle Report: Space Marines Vs Orks
Posted on 10:03 PM by Michael

Thursday, June 21, 2012
Objective Markers
Posted on 9:00 AM by Michael
Since I actually started playing games and not just building models I've noticed the need for something, and it's something I don't see mentioned very often.
Objective markers!
A lot of the games I've played have been objective based, where you attempt to control more objectives then your opponent at the end of the battle. Most people I've seen just use dice to mark out objectives. While this works it seems mildly lazy. So I've set about building...
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
New 40K Audio Goodies!
Posted on 12:52 PM by Michael

So my birthday was last month and has I tend to do these days I ignored it completely. I have little interest in parties and even less interest in receiving well wishes from my family members. That's not to say I don't love them, but when you see them every day and every day is simply dealing with one problem after another from any number of directions, peace and quiet is more highly valued then well wishes.
Still, my mother did manage to surprise...
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
Adding a little speed to my forces
Posted on 12:00 PM by Michael

So with the net practically hopping about the upcoming 6th Edition I'm still learning the game in general. I know that's an odd sounding thing to hear from someone like me who's been involved in the hobby for going on twenty years. But it's true. In the previous 19 years of my involvement in the hobby I've played perhaps a dozen games spread across 4 editions. It has only been in the last few months that I've really gotten into playing the game....
Monday, June 18, 2012
The Black Crusade!
Posted on 11:13 AM by Michael

It seems I picked a fantastic time to get re-involved in the hobby. I have joined up with a group of hobbyists from around the world to particapate in the Black Crusade of 2012 a large scale charity Army build intended to raise funds for Jack Vasel Memorial Fund. I'm really excited to be a part of this project and I will post information about my portion of it as I accomplish it. To learn more about the project you can check out the full blog...
Blood Raven Storm Talon
Posted on 9:41 AM by Michael

So, with a completed Storm Talon model built and otherwise sitting on my desk I decided to add it to my growing Blood Ravens army.
I built the Storm Talon with large laser blast effects bits from Armor Cast Cinematic Effects series. Overall I find the Storm Talon a very lack-luster model with nothing really impressive about it. The rules are a bit better, though I think it is still very expensive for what the unit is capable of. AV 11 with a...
Saturday, June 16, 2012
Gamers Aide: Psychic power cards for Space Marines
Posted on 7:34 PM by Michael

So I've been experimenting with using a librarian in my army of late. The versatility of the Librarain has a lot of options and since the psychic powers are free and chosen after deployment you don't have to commit to what they are when you build your army list. So I went to work in Photoshope and created a series of Psychic Power cards. Each card represents 1 power and has the rules for that particular power on the card. Nothing much more then...
Thursday, June 14, 2012
Review: Storm Talon
Posted on 7:45 PM by Michael

So, today I'm taking a look at Games Workshop's latest entry to the "Aircraft" category the Space Marine Storm Talon!
Let's begin. I have to say, in comparison to the Storm Raven model I am rather underwhelmed by the Storm Talon. First off, the box is way bigger then it needs to be.
At first inspection of the model, I see that it's entire contents occupy less then 1/2 of
the inner volume of the box. I know it's very petty but this really...
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