Battle size: 1750
Mission: Capture and Control
Deployment: Spearhead
Turn 1: I moved my Razorbacks forward 12", with the
support of the Land Speeder Squadron, on the right flank in an effort to draw
the Orks further away from their objective, popping smoke to help protect the
forward most Razorbacks. With the Razorbacks under cover of their smoke clouds,
the Land Speeders opened up on the forward most Orks felling a hand full. First
blood to the Emperor's finest!
The Orks were fast to respond to the threat and the lead
Buggies quickly roared forward while unleashing their rokkits into the
Razorbacks destroying one and forcing its' occupants to bail out of the blasted
vehicle. A pair of trukks rushed forward to allow the boyz to surround the
other razorback and attempt to destroy it in close combat. Sadly the Nob failed
to hit the broadside of a barn. Mid-field, the Lootas took aim at the Land
Speeders and let fly managing to destroy one of the troublesome skimmers,
tearing off a heavy bolter and shaking the other two speeders. The Tank Bustas
raged at the tempting targets of the Land speeders, the targets too far away to
be attacked. The Looted wagon attempted to blast the Ironclad dreadnought, but
the entombed warrior proved to nimble to be caught in rage of the wagons gun.
Turn 2: Not willing to invite a second round of attacks from
the surrounding Orks, the remaining Razorback quickly revved its' engines,
reversing and catching the Ork nob under its treads and crushing it death as he
attempted to attack the vehicles vulnerable rear armor. Eager to exact Vengeance
for the destruction of the first Razorback, the combat squad inside quickly
disembarked and took aim at the Boyz,
unloading on full auto shredding several of the boyz on the spot. Their brother
squad from the first Razorback quickly added their own firepower to the effort
and with the aide of a third volley of fire from another combat squad, they
cleared the Boyz from the map. The Ironclad smashed over a barricade to bring
it's guns to bear on the first of the Ork Trukk, its' Hurricane bolter tearing
through the vehicles armor while it's Melta gun scored a killing strike
destroying the ramshackle trukk with a resonating boom.
Showing a bit too much enthusiasm for the moment, the crew
of the Looted Wagon hit the gas and sent the heavy vehicle careening forward
before they got their wits about them.
The Lootas managed to once again land several telling shots against the
Land Speeders destroying the vehicles much to annoyance of the Tank Bustas.
Behind a row of buildings the Warboss and his lads stomped throw the debris
hoping to get into a good scrap while the characteristic stomp stomp stomp of a pair of Deff Dreads echoed off the walls as
the machines lumbered forward eager to join their brother green skins.
Turn 3: Believing they saw an opening for their attack, the
Bike squad speed onto the battlefield escorted by the first Storm Talon. The
Storm Talon Pilot saw the destruction of the Land Speeders and quickly moved to
support his brothers on the ground while the Bikers speed forward out of line
of sight of the Wagon. Unable to reach a proper position in time to be of
assistance, the Storm Talon took advantage of a window of opportunity to land
several assault cannon shots against the Warboss's mob. Behind the mob of Boyz,
Librarian Azariah and his Stern Guard brothers came crashing out of the sky in
their Drop pod landing on target. The 6 stalwart warriors dove out of the Drop
pod and unleashed a combination of poisoned bolter fire and etheric energy into
the boyz decimating their ranks but the group was quickly broadsided by the
first of the two Deff Dreads. Despite a valiant effort to combat the mechanical
monstrosity, the Deff dread claimed the Librarian and all but one of the
Sternguard in a combination of Skorcha attacks and piston driven claw
attacks. Across the battlefield, the
Bikers gunned their engines and came tearing toward the objective while the
combined fire of the kannons and looted Wagon failed to find targets amongst
the zooming marines. Hoping to claim an ambush on an approaching Trukk, the
Ironclad dreadnought jumped over a ruined wall into the space beneath a ruined
Turn 4: The Ladz in the Wagon landed a lucky, not to mention
destructive shot and destroyed the potentially troublesome Storm Talon in a
single shot, it's debris raining down around the raging Warboss. To his shock,
the Ironclad dreadnought was assailed not from within the Truck, but from above
as the Boyz had jumped from the trukk into the overhanging balcony and clamored
over the Dreadnought's head assailing it from the rear. Landing a telling blow
to the vulnerable hydraulics, the Nob was able to smash the machine's legs and
bring it crashing to the ground. To the Orks amazement the pilot of the
venerable machine refused to die a second time and continued to fight on,
crushing the nearest boy in its claw while ripping another 2 to pieces with its'
"HA HA! Can't see me" |
Turn 5: Coming into range, the Biker squad unloaded their
guns on full auto into the defending Boyz feeling a handful as the second Storm
Talon came screaming onto the battle field. The second Deff Dread came smashing
and thrashing toward the Space marine objective it's claws and blades whirring
as it charged into battle killing a single battle brother and forcing the unit
to retreat and regroup. Unable to bring its weapons to bear against the 2nd
defending squad, the Dread showed remarkable cunning for an ork and stepped
back to avoid a reprisal attack from the missile launcher. This forward
thinking failed to save the dread as the immobilized Razorback spun it's turret
around and, with a single well placed Lascannon shot destroyed the monster
outright. The footslogging Orks quickly retaliated by destroying the vehicle
The Orks which guarded the objective were un-phased by their
losses and surged forward eager to get into it good and proper with the
offending bike marines. Though the Marine superior training allowed them to
fell several Orks, the sheer number of Orks threatened to overwhelm them and
nearly half the unit was killed before the sergeant could sound a retreat.
Turn 6: Recovering from the previous beating, the Biker
squad regrouped and prepared to charge the attending Orks on the objective.
With a good strong push they could destroy the Looted Wagon and sow havoc among
the Ork ranks, contesting the objective and weakening the Green Skins defensive
lines in preparation for a subsequent strike from reinforcements. They may well
have completed their mission had the Tank Bustas not landed a lucky shot and
destroyed the Storm Talon. Robbed of their fire support, the Marines retreated
from the battle field, vowing vengeance against the Orks.