Thursday, May 24, 2012

Preperations continue...

So the first session of the Death Campaign is in a week, and I'm really excited for it. I have the adventure module that the GM is going to be running and I've thumbed through it but haven't specifically read it. The module itself is rather large comprising three separate stories that are intertwined and create a cohesive whole. The little snippets I've glimpses really get me excited. However, one thing that doesn't get me excited: Using stand in...

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Wow... how that time flies

Wow, it's been almost 3 weeks since I started this blog! Holy cow! My oh my how the time does fly. Also I've been somewhat busy of late, between work and school those 24 hours in a day just kind of fly right on by. But I have more to report on. I'm preparing for a Death Watch campaign with my gaming group and the big thing I'm focusing on is my character, Brother Quintus of the Ultramarines. Quintus lays down a hail of heavy bolter fire with...

Wednesday, May 02, 2012

This is the begining

So this is my first post on this new blog. My day has been a bit wild today so I can't afford the time to go into much detail right now. So in a nutshell this post is going to be about what this blog is about. I was first introduced to Warhammer in 1993 when I happened upon a game of it being played in the back of a model store. The first thing I saw was the large machine on the top of a hill, a machine I would later learn was known as a "Dreadnought"....