Friday, May 30, 2014

I bring the blessings of the Plague father!

So I've had a Forge World Mamon Nurgle Daemon Prince sitting on my project shelf for... waaay longer then I'd care to admit to. So I've had some time lately, I'm waiting for some materials to arrive to continue working on the stuff for the Apoc game I'm hosting in a few weeks.So with that extra time I've been working on various projects that have been sitting on my shelf. The Nurgle Daemon prince is one such project. I got this guy as part of a...

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Preperations continue

Wow, less then 1 month until the Apoc game! And my preparations continue for it! Still have a lot of work to do for it. Right now I'm focusing on the Orbital Defense Laser. I've posted images of that previously, but now I'm working on the rest of the building itself. I know I haven't posted much to explain what the intended end result will be, so let me do that: This is a digital render of the building design. Obviously the hemisphere on the top...

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

cannon nearing completion

So got the Orbital defense laser cannon mostly built. Not finished with the over all project, I still need to build the rest of the building that's going to mount the cannon, but the cannon itself is mostly built: The Defense laser cannon I have managed to build the platform for the cannon mounting. The platform itself is comprised of 6 lengths of sheet styrene cross mounted so that 3 lengths went one direction while the other three are laid...

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Preparing for apocalypse

So the clock is ticking as I continue to get ready for that Apocalypse game I'm hosting next month. Still have a lot of work to do but right now I'm focusing on building the Orbital Defense Laser for the game. I got the majority of the Cannon itself built today: ...