Sunday, June 16, 2013

Branching out

So I've decided to branch out a little bit and start looking at my Chaos force. The one that's been sitting on my shelf basically ever since I got the Dark Vengence box set. Rather sad really that it's sat there this long. But I'm looking at it again. We'll see where it goes. One unit I want to add is a unit of Thousand Sons, but I don't like the standard GW models for them. And honestly I have intentions of fielding something all together... a...

Saturday, June 15, 2013

New Drop pod for a new list

So I've managed to get a couple games in against a friend and I think I'm getting a better handle on how I'm going to run my Space Marines. I've come up with a 2k list I'm calling the Iron Wind fall. HQ- Space Marine Captain on Bike with Relic Blade, HellFire Rounds, Melta Bombs Troops- 10 man biker unit with a Multi-melta armed Attack Bike 10 man biker unit with a Multi-melta armed Attack Bike 5 Man Scout Squad W/ Telion -4 Sniper Rifles -1...

Friday, June 14, 2013

Some busy work... sort of

Okay, so I got a little bored and started rooting around my bitz boxes. I ran across a pair of Dark Vengeance Terminators and some Forge World Ultramarine terminator shoulder pads. So I thought "Hey why not? I'm a good converter. I bet I can convert these Dark Angeled Termies into Ultramarine Termies.   Here is the first one. I had to carve down the shoulder so it would allow the Forge world shoulder pad to fit on it.    The...

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Update on the Helbrute

So I haven't had the chance to give a proper update on this particular project. My model builder Attention deficit disorder as been kicking in a lot lately as you can see so I've been jumping from project to project almost with out pause for the last week. But the Helbrute is shaping up as you can see. Chaos HelBrute with 2 Power fists  I've begun attaching hoses, made from Green Stuff using Green Stuff Industries Tentacle Maker, to the crown...

Monday, June 10, 2013

revamping the StormTater... er StormTalon

Okay so I've been experimenting with the Storm Talon in my army lately. I still hate the model but it's performance has been really good, too good to ignore so I'm going to build a squadron of three of these birdies. But I hate the model. So what am I going to do? What any sensible converter would do: Re-make it! Here's why I'm posting. Feed back and suggestions for where and how to go about accomplishing this. I'm leaning toward something...

Sunday, June 09, 2013

trying the newer GW paints

Okay, so I decided to take the plunge and give the current GW paint line an honest go. So I grabbed one of their painting tutorials, this one for Ultramarines, and grabbed the paints it listed for the model. Those paints included Macragge Blue, Abaddon Black, Rhinox Hide, IronBreaker, Drakenof Nightshade, Nu;n Oil, Etherium Blue, Altdorf Guard Blue, Calgar Blue, Runefang Steel, and Guilliman Blue. I managed to assemble a terminator from the Dark...

Saturday, June 08, 2013


Okay so with GW declaring war on Bitz sellers a lot of companies are just flushing all their bitz supplies. One of them is Spikey Bitz and I took advantage of that to order a hand full of their "SUPER Fat Sack O' bits" bags. Well they came in today. So I have more bits!!! Thus far I've only found a couple full models in the bunch, largely from the Dark Vengeance set. But hey, bits is bits! ...

Friday, June 07, 2013

Dark Lance Designs

I ran across these guys at my gaming store about 2 months ago when they were talking about their plans to produce a terrain set of corridors and rooms that could be used to build the maps of a space station, underground bunker, space ship, ect. Initially I was intrigued and said "Hey keep me informed." Well now they've launched their kick starter to get the project going. They have a couple demo sets completed that they are taking around to...

Saturday, June 01, 2013

Quick update

Okay I meant to post this a couple days ago but time got away from here so I'm going to post this super quick before I run out of the door. I finished assembling the bike with the LED in it: Here you can see it with the LED on and o...