Thursday, February 26, 2015

Chaos forces - Dark Adeptus Combat Constructs

I've been shifting some focuses in the past couple months, in terms of 40k projects and have been working on my Chaos Space Marine forces recently. One of the central concepts in my view for my Chaos Forces is that it's not a single unified army that answers to a single leader. Rather it's a loose conglomeration of different groups that for today, have agreed to work with one another for whatever reason. This gives me lots of conversion possibilities...

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

The Blood Angels come to the fore

So last time Games Workshop released the Space Hulk set I was able to snag one and the last couple days or so I've been working my way through painting the Terminators from the set. I have to say that while I'm generally not a fan of mono-pose models, GW's recent efforts with them have been very impressive. The Dark Vengeance box set and the Space Hulk set have some really nice models in them that even though there's only one way the model can be...

Saturday, February 07, 2015

Yeah I'm still here...

I am still alive, it's just that the last 8 weeks or so really hit me a lot harder then I was expecting them to. In short, I'm getting older. I've worked retail and other high-demand jobs since I was 14 so I thought I had a pretty good idea how the Christmas season and its fall out would stack up for me. I knew it was going to be an increased work load and I wasn't going to have the free time I had previously, that's why I had started to do the 'year in review' I had said I was going to do. While I couldn't commit to any major project work, I...