Monday, January 27, 2014

work and projects

Okay, so I'm still alive. I survived retail hell and I'm working on various projects again. Also got a really big project I'm working on, an Apocalypse game! I hosted an apoc game last year. It had its ups and it had its downs. The folks who played in it had a lot of fun and they've asked me if I was going to do another one. So I am! But I'm gonna push it out several months for several reasons. First reason being is giving people a chance to get...

Tuesday, January 07, 2014

It came from below

So got the Trygon mostly built. The based Trygon. This project had several challenges, starting with the eyes and culminating in the base. If I had planned it out a bit more I could have actually made the head swappable and still kept the light up eyes. But alas I didn't. The eyes were the first challenge. There isn't enough space to put 2 LEDs in the head, so I needed to use one LED with fiber optics for the eyes. But even that came with a challenge....