Thursday, October 31, 2013

Storm Talon Video log

Okay, so 4 months ago I started brainstorming how to modify the Storm Talon model into something a bit more palpable to my tastes. The current model just makes me think of a 40k version of a Cobra Trouble Bubble from the 80's G.I. Joe cartoon. It was goofy then and it's goofy now. In all honesty the intent of the model, the way it operates in game and what I feel was the intent of the design itself all say to me "Space Marine Apache" so that's what I'm going for. I've been able to put some work into the project, though I'm ham-strung right now...

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

working on stuff

So I have been working on some stuff of late. I seem to be going through a phase of army builder attention deficit disorder as I've been jumping from one project to another to another to another. The first major thing I've completed is... well... cleaning. cleaning up my stock of models One of the big steps I have a bad habit of skipping in my model building process is cleaning up the model itself. As you can see here I've built up a rather...

Thursday, October 17, 2013


So... been working on some stuff lately. Anyone remember my post about 4 months ago about building a better Storm Talon? Well I'm working on it. Slowly right now. First step I'm undertaking is installing colored fiber optics in the cockpit so that it will be illuminated. It's a slow process and annoyingly I have to get more resistors for the LED circuits I will install. So I've ordered them. They'll probably be in next week. As it is standing...

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Wow... back log much?

Okay, so it's been close to a month. Getting ready for that Apoc game really took it out of me, combined with several issues at work it wasn't an easy time leading up to the game itself and I didn't get a chance to rest or recover from it right away either. Enter the Apocalypse! But I've been able catch up at work, rest and recover. And now that I've got the time to do I'm back to talk about the apoc game. So it was a fairly straight forward setup...