Sunday, July 28, 2013

Still here and still working on lighting up the world

Yeah I know, I haven't posted in a while. Life gets that way. I have managed to get a few games of 40k in over the last couple weeks though. Learned some stuff. Saw where I made some mistakes. Made mental notes to try and not make the same mistake again. Also I got a new job at work. So been busy the last several weeks. Finally got some time off and got to work on a new project. Still waiting for the bionic bits I ordered to come in so I can start...

Wednesday, July 03, 2013

Oi Vey!

Hey all, been a little bit since I posted. Been really busy with Work, school and some other stuff. Because of that I haven't been able to really commit any period of time to anything of singular note. I've been squeezing in quick little hour sessions of painting here and there as I've been able. Now I have to remind you that I am a rather slow painter and thus far I've largely only gotten base colors down. That being said... my 2000 point army The...