Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Trying something a little different

So I'm still more or less running on neutral for the Thunderbolt project, which also means the Thunderhawk project is on hold for the moment. In truth alot of my hobby stuff is kind of on hold or at least on slow-mo for the immediate time being. Money has become a bit more of a consern then I had anticipated so I need to curtail my hobby purchases for the immediate time. But, that doesn't mean I'm not doing stuff. It just means I'm doing different...

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Duke Nukem?

You ever have a moment when you're working on a project, you look up for a second and something catches your eye? So you stop what you're doing and concentrate to figure out what that something is? And then you figure it out and you are like "Where the frack did that come from?" That happened to be earlier today. When I noticed that I had a 40k version of Duke Nukem sitting on my work bench looking back at me: ...

Monday, February 11, 2013

More speed!

So I've been working on a new attack bike squad for my Blood Ravens. From what I've been looking at rules wise, I think Biker armies are gonna be the default go-to army for 6th edition. Hammer of Wraith, T5 all the time, a 12" move with an extra D6 charge range, relentless. I mean let's face it bikers got a lot going for 'em now. So here is my new and freshly converted  attack bike squad: So I'm sure you're sitting there saying "Wait a second,...

Sunday, February 03, 2013

We are the Blood Ravens!

A good while back I was playing Dawn of War II and I had become inspired to begin work on a Blood Ravens army. Well they had sat on the back burner for far too long and with my funds effectively stopped, following my recent medical bills, they came out of the case and got some paint on some of them. Here are two of the bikers that I got painted the other day. First up we have the Captain on a bike: Blood Ravens Captain on a bike with a relic blade Model...